How to gain tens of thousands of followers on social media with my unique story methods…
Justin Welsh
The Diversified Solopreneur

“I’ve watched Parker grow over the past year, and his ability to tell stories, build a community, and create a prolific brand is extremely impressive. If telling your story and building a community is important to you, join his while the doors are open."

If you’re on this page you probably want more followers on X or LinkedIn.

I know that’s where I was…

Just 15 months ago I had zero followers.

Now I have over 40,000.

Now that might sound like a lot to some and a little to others…

But my following helped me quit my job and start having twenty thousand dollar months.

Imagine how your life would change with 10,000, 20,000, or even 50,000 more followers.

How does that feel?

How does your life change?

Do people respect you more?

Do you have more power and influence?

Do you have the ability to talk to anyone you want at any time?

Do you have the time to get the things done that you want done?

And maybe the biggest benefit of all for some…

How much more money would you make?

Well, I can tell you one thing…

Life isn’t going to get any worse.

Your life will probably get a whole lot better.

My goal is to show you these unique story systems to help you get tens of thousands of followers (without having to be a world-class writer).

And when I’m talking about followers… I’m not just talking about the people who hit the “follow button”.

I’m talking about RABID fans…people who will buy any product you have or who will pay you for your time.

There are so-called influencers with over 100,000 followers who can barely pay rent.

And there are micro-influencers with 3,000 followers that make six figures a year because they are the RIGHT followers.

I want to help you build a BIG audience of the RIGHT people.

The difference between the people with 600 followers and 60,000 followers is NOT the quality of their content…

…they can uniquely tell stories.

That’s what I want to show you.

But you may be wondering “Why storytelling"?

Let me explain… Did you know that the #1 factor of a stock’s value is the quality of the CEO's speeches?

Now you’d think it would be finances, sales, or marketing…

But what’s the difference between an entrepreneur making $1,000,000 and $100,000,000 a year?

It’s the story they tell.

Elon Musk is the greatest entrepreneur in the world because of the stories he tells.

Look, he sold $10,000,000 worth of flamethrowers.

You and I couldn’t do that but Elon can because of his huge personal brand.

Not because they were the best flamethrowers ever made.

It’s the same thing with Alex Hormozi.

How’d he go from gym owner to mega-rich famous guy?

The stories he told to build his personal brand.

I gave my client one coaching call and here’s what he said about my story system:

Not only did my client’s growth explode he got 11 leads for his high ticket coaching service…

Which resulted in tens of thousands of dollars.

From one post!

Here are the results my
other clients are getting:

+4,000 followers in 6 days

5,411 followers in 6 days

2,618 followers in 6 days

2,427 followers the week after...

These story methods not only gave me +5,000 followers in a month…

They gave me millions of impressions which gave me this paycheck:

But that’s not all.

You see with a large following comes a large newsletter.

The more viral stories I shared the larger my newsletter grew...

And when you have a large newsletter. 

You can make money in your sleep. 


Here’s what I wake up to:

I normally charge $5,000 a month to write stories for other people and when you join this community you can charge others that much too…

That way you will use this skill to make money on the side while you build your following.

How much do I charge to learn this skill so you can blow up your following over the next 30 to 90 days?

Well, like I said, if you wanted me to write for you, it would be $5,000 per month.

If you want to work with me one-on-one I charge $400 per hour to consult for you.

And I can only help a few people at a time if I work with people one-on-one.

I thought to myself what could I create that would help as many people as possible while still being reasonable?

And I thought how could I create something that I would’ve paid for back when I got started?

If I had the knowledge I have now, back then, I would probably have hundreds of thousands of followers by now.

That’s why I created the Society of Storytellers…

And instead of charging hundreds a month, it’s just $47 a month.

However, I'm doing something I've never done before...

I'm going to let you join for $1 upfront.

That's right. Join the community and the first month costs $1.


Because I know once you get in you'll stay forever.

My goal is to get you in because the value inside is so good.

"I've had the pleasure of working with Parker over the past year and I'm yet to meet a creator more dedicated to helping his audience win. I have no doubt the material inside is excellent, and the community is a great place to be."

Kieran Drew
Digital Freedom

The best entrepreneurs are storytellers

The 21st Century's social platforms are rewarding storytellers more than any other skill. 

Whether you want to be a startup founder or a solopreneur, storytelling is the skill that will accelerate your progress, unlock opportunities, and change your life.

Why tribes beats cohorts

Cohorts are short and expensive programs that miss a core evolutional aspect of storytelling. Stories developed their power to move people to action because ancient communities learned what worked best through daily contact. In storytelling, a close-knit tribe is your greatest competitive advantage.

What's inside The Society of Storytellers

  • Live events with storytelling experts and marketing minds
  • +100 video courses to improve your storytelling skills.
  • Hot seats for thread reviews, story feedback, and workshop sessions
  • Access to all past and future recordings so you never miss a thing
  • Feedback and support from SOS members inside Skool
  • And much more!

PLUS! Free access to my new course:
The Story Center

My new and improved storytelling course includes some sensational upgrades only available inside The Society of Storytellers. 

  • Social Writing Course ($197 value)
  • Advanced Storytelling Course ($197 value)
  • Video Storytelling ($197 value)
  • Email List Building ($237 value)
  • Storytelling Monetization ($299 value)
  • LinkedIn Strategies ($197 value)
  • +100 video courses inside

Who The Society of Storytellers is for: 

The Society of Storytellers is for someone who wants to unlock their life’s purpose through storytelling. It’s for someone who knows social media is made for more than scrolling. It’s for anyone with a nagging sense that they have more to offer the world by speaking up.

A quick word from a friend (me)

Something I've felt strongly this year is change comes fast and it doesn't stop. New social media algorithms, the rise of AI, and a rocky economy: it's harder than ever to go it alone. 

I struggled for years and nearly gave up building my online biz several times. But it was my friends who kept me going. 

If I'd had a community like this from the off, success would have been faster. 

I hope you can join us. Parker. 

The Society of Storytellers is currently OPEN!

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  • Today's payment
  • The Society of Storytellers$1
  • Future payments
  • $47

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