Learn how to write stories that connect and sell

Here's just ONE real world example:

…or just keep reading below.

Here's how a broke 23-year-old used storytelling to earn tens of millions of dollars…

And Sold 20+ million copies of his book (while getting banned in russia)

Picture this: 

It’s 2008 and the economy is an absolute dumpster fire. 

The prospects for a job? About as promising as a screen door on a submarine.

So this guy graduated college and hit the BIG TIME, right? 

Well by big time I mean living on his friend's couch broke as f*ck.

So what’s a broke millennial to do? 

Sell drugs? 

Nope, even better. This guy started a blog.

nothing screams ‘financial stability’ like unpaid writing on the internet, right?

But what happened next was shocking.

Because when this guy launched his blog...

...He expected money to rain down on his bank account hurricane style.

The result?

 This guy struggled for years just to hear more crickets (Sound familiar)?

Turns out the internet doesn’t really care about your dreams. 

However, this guy was going to play the long game.  

He wrote blogs about teeth whitening to feng shui. You know the stuff that wins Nobel Peace Prizes.  

This guy tried to use affiliates, backlinks, and ads to make money from niches.  

Because the riches are in the niches right?


Turns out people don’t want teeth whitening advice from a broke 20 something year old… 

 Things looked bad. 

And out of desperation (or genius), 

this guy started sharing stories about his dating life. 

And that’s when everything changed…

Plot twist

The money and attention started pouring in. 

Men paid this guy for dating coaching and flew him all over the world.

But something was wrong...

Turns out the pickup artist scene is pretty sleazy.  

And this guy got tired of drowning in old spice body spray and awful pick up lines.  

Realizing that the male dating scene was a bigger dumpster fire than the 2008 financial crisis…  

This guy started writing stories about honesty, vulnerability, and how f*cked up human beings are.

What happened next?  

This guy's stories started to attract the right kind of attention…  

But like all good things something wasn’t right about his new niche “self help” 


Because instead of predatory pick up artists chasing women, the self help industry is full of predators that sell bad information chasing a quick buck.

In a fit of anger, this guy published a story article… That shamed the self-help industry on Facebook.


This story led to 1,000,000+ visitors a month to this guy's blog…  

Like most online writers and creators this led to a big problem.  

Attention doesn’t always equal cash. But this guy knew how to write stories that convert (not just get attention).  

This guy talks to a BIG TIME book publisher and shows the stats on his Facebook post.  

The proof was in the pudding. Because of the huge results of this one story… 

 …The big publisher gave this guy a book deal.

What happened next was shocking...

20,000,000 copies sold world wide. And this guy’s book got banned in Russia. Fast forward to today and this guy has F*CK YOU money, a massive YouTube channel…

One story changed his life and business overnight

So who is this guy? 

Mark Manson.


Because one story completely changed Mark’s life and business over night. 

 And today you’ll learn how to tell one story that can change everything…

Because one story changed my life too.

My name is Parker Worth. 

And the first thing you should know about me is…  

I’m not an author. 

I’m not a Hollywood scriptwriter. 

And I don’t have a degree in anything related to telling stories.  

In fact, the only thing I consider myself an ‘expert’ in is story powered marketing that goes viral and converts into cash….  

Now, before you roll your eyes and think: 

"Oh great, another marketing dickhead," let me give you some reality:

If you think one story can't transform your business overnight...

You're wrong! 

Here’s how one story took me from an electrician with an awful neck tattoo (no ragrets) to running a $175,000/yr business.

It's October 2022. 

I'm sitting on a bench with my face in my palms. 

Like my dog just got hit by a car.

I had that sinking feeling in my gut...  

You know: the feeling that of SHAME. I realized how much time and money I wasted when my friends said:


"I don't care about electricity.  Why would I listen to a podcast about it?"  

You see, I spent the past year and $10,000+ on podcasting equipment and courses. 

I dreamed about being the next Tim Ferris or Lex Friedman. But the feedback and mean comments felt like a swift kick to the teeth.  

The good news? I was no stranger to failure.  

Cause I'd spent the last 5 years trying to create an online business with Blogging and YouTubing. 

However, the podcasting failure made me realize that online biz and freedom of location was just a dream... 

 ...I'd be a dirty electrician with a bad neck tattoo (yes I made lot's of dumb decisions) for the rest of my life. 

A slave to construction sites and long hours. 

Everything turned to nothing... .

..So I whipped out my phone in desperation.  

I spent tons of money on Twitter cohorts. So I could learn how to get traffic to my podcast. And of course that was another failure. 

I spent 3 months writing and struggled to get 100 followers. So I had one of those moments...  

You know...

When you pour your heart out into something. 

I typed my story on Twitter about everything I learned from being a janitor to an electrician...  

Now I was into real estate and stocks so I shared what I learned. I put my phone in my pocket figuring no one would care (just like the electricity podcast)... 

 ...The next thing that happened changed my life.  

Because I was wrong. People did care about this story. The story went viral. 

The next day I had over 1200+ followers. My inbox was packed. I even got messages from people I looked up too. 

 15 months later... 

 ...I've earned $170,000+ in revenue online. I have 65,000+ followers and 8,000+ newsletter subscribers. 

As well as friendships with some of the biggest names in social media and marketing.

Here’s why I bring this up….  

Because I went from an electrician with an awful neck tattoo to running a $175,000/yr online business.  

I want you to get the same results (without the neck tattoo)

My clients earned a combine $1,000,000+ this year, gained hundreds of thousands of followers on multiple platforms, and have MASSIVE email lists...

Don't listen to the same advice from 1,000s of so-called 'gurus' that sell the same garbage. If you do, you’ll be stuck in failure for years, just like I was...

But if your plans for business success involve the internet, you won't make it on your own. 

If you’re smart, you’ll get help from someone who knows what the heck they’re doing. Most of the time insider knowledge is expensive.

Keep reading to learn how to start or grow you business in the competitive digital landscape with the most powerful skill known to man...

How much of an impact did one story create for me?

Let’s find out…

22,800,000 impressions in one year on Twitter

I literally copied and pasted stories from Twitter to LinkedIn and got millions of impressions

+$65,000 in revenue from product transactions in one year

My story based emails got me featured on Convertkit next to Ramit Sethi!

That one story I posted lead to $90,0000+ in revenue from clients in one year.

"If telling your story and building a business is important to you, join the Digital Storytelling Masterclass while the doors are open."

Justin Welsh 

Multi 7 Figure Solopreneur. 1M+ Followers and 200,000+ email subscribers.

"Parker is one of the most creative writers I've ever coached. 


His cheese story caught my attention immediately."

Ian Stanley

Email Marketer with $250,000,000 in sales, comedian, and screenwriter.

If you struggle with finding ideas, structuring your stories, time management, standing out online, or turning attention into money…

Then this message is for you.

Because today you’ll learn how to dominate your market with the most persuasive storytelling techniques in just 20-30 minutes (without having to break the bank)…

"There are a lot of 'influencers' who talk about the power of storytelling.

But few of them actually tell good stories or know what they're talking about. 

Parker ain't one of them. 

I haven't met someone who knows as much about the topic. 

I've learned a lot from his stuff. 

Considering how important the skill is, I couldn't recommend this product enough."

-Kieran Drew 

7 figure writer with 240,000+ followers and 35,000+ email subscribers.

In just 2 hours a week, you’ll master the most powerful skill known to man to scale your business

I’ve used this method to help countless others go viral, get qualified leads, and make 100s of thousands of dollars with story powered marketing...

Real Results from Real Stories

Storytelling is the most powerful skill you can learn.

Don't believe me?

Look at these results:

"Parker’s storytelling skills helped me earn over $100,000 in the competitive fitness market. What other skill helps you do that?"

-Oliver Anwar

Elite Health Coach To CEOs & Entrepreneurs

"Parker's storytelling tactics helped me earn $80,000+, grow my following on multiple platforms and scale my email list"


"I woke up to find the post has gone viral — it’s currently at 225K views and 3.3K likes; and I gained 400+ followers overnight Even better?

my Skool community just a few days ago, and thanks to this post, it now has about 65 members in it.

I’m so overwhelmed with gratitude for this storytelling course"

-Chanel Fisher

Writer. Poet. Intuitive Healer.

"This course helped me write one story that led to an HR manager who paid me to do a series of Leadership Development workshops for her team."

-Matt Mcginty

Emotional intellingence expert

"This course helped me share my transformation story. The result?

 10x the impressions of my best post and 4 inbound Leads

 asking for help"

-Justin Zack 

Newsletter Operator | Building a portfolio of newsletters to $1M in revenue

"By incorporating tips from Parker’s storytelling course I’ve been able to grow my advising practice to 5 figures per month."

- Darrell Lerner Startup found grew company to 100M users & $100M revenue • Serial Entrepreneur w/ 2 exits

"When I went to launch a group consulting offer to my email list, I applied everything I learned from his course and it blew my expectations out of the water. I've 2Xd my income since I bought it. Parker is the real deal and always my go-to guy for all things storytelling. "

Darion Rae
CEO / Founder 

"I’ve been friends with Parker and known him on the timeline for a while now, and I can confidently say Parker‘s ability to convey stories, engage audiences, and deliver value to his audience on repeat is ironclad. If you’re debating whether or this course is for you, hear me when I say: it is."

Brett Erik
7 figure agency owner.

"It's one thing to know about storytelling, and a very different thing to actually tell compelling stories online. This course is simple enough, kids can do it. . My numbers doubled after I started using his storytelling course! Parker is personable and deeply cares about bringing others into the success he's found."

Beth Hobbs
Professional Writer

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

"Parker's Digital Storytelling Masterclass helped me finally put my dungeons and dragons skills to good use – writing emails that SELL."

Jordan Parker

Founder of Parker Labs. Software engineer and pro funnel builder.

"The Digital Storytelling Masterclass increases my sales page conversions by 3%"

Jeremy Singh

Jacked Runner. 9-time ultramarathoner and 10,000+ miles.

Why Should You Give a Sh*t?

Because we're drowning in a sea of digital information

 AI can write… But it can't make people feel something. 

 That's where you come in.

Master storytelling, and you'll build a cult following faster than you can say 'take my money.'

But because of AI, we are in a trust recession.

No one knows what’s real or fake online. And it will only get worse…

You need to master storytelling because that is how you build trust and deepen relationships online.

Because if you can share stories that show you’re human and can relate to the reader, you will build a cult of die-hard fans willing to buy from you.

The Unique Power of One Good Story

2.5 years ago, I was just an electrician trying to start an online business.

This goes to show how the power of one good story can change everything.

Storytelling delivers you results, even if:

You learn slowly

You don’t have time

Have zero experience

You’re afraid of being boring

You don’t believe in yourself

You’re scared of being judged

You don’t know what to write about

Or you’re in a competitive marketplace

Because you don’t have to be an incredible writer to get others to see the hardships you’ve been through.

this product will help you:

MASTER SHARING engaging, viral, persuasive stories that convert for:










Sales Pages

Shorts and reals

Anywhere stories can be told on the internet

In just 2 hours a week

but There’s Something You Should Know…

You could find this information yourself but… 

 I’ve read 100s of books on storytelling, copywriting, marketing, and screenwriting (hell, I even studied freaking Shakespeare for god's sake). 

 I spent countless hours handwriting the best stories the world has ever seen. 

 I hired experts like:

Millionaire marketer, comedian, and scriptwriter Ian Stanley to tell me his storytelling secrets.

Millionaire writer Kieran Drew to give me the secret insights to viral storytelling…

Michael Hauge, the man Will Smith said: 'No one is better than this guy at finding what is most authentic in every moment of a story.’

I’ve tested 1000s of stories on different social media platforms, ads, sales pages, and emails.

Every possible place a story can be posted on the internet, I’ve studied and tested ALL OF THESE METHODS. 

 So I engineered a formula that morphs simple stories into trust, transforms that trust into an army of followers, and turns those followers into a badass tribe ready to throw their credit cards at whatever I'm selling.

Now you can spend 2.5 years and $100,000+ like I did…

OR you can get the Digital Storytelling Masterclass 1.0 that condenses all of this information into a 6-week course.

That only takes 2 hours a week to learn.

What else? 

 There’s no fluff or B.S.

You can use this even if you only have a few minutes of free time per day.

Here are just 10 of the 45 things you’ll discover:

27 one-sentence marketing stories the BIG tech companies use to make billions of dollars (without having to spend a dime on ads)

subscribers gained

The sneaky way to get complete strangers to buy from you (even if you don’t have credibility).

subscribers gained

How to use unexpected twists, curveballs, and hooks to make a stranger fall in love with you (in 500 words OR LESS).

subscribers gained

The incredible storytelling secret used by ancient orators and Tony Robbins to create inspiration on demand (to make people pay you to be a keynote speaker)

subscribers gained

The secret 'number' pro writers use to force people to click (and hijack human pattern recognition to get attention anytime anywhere)

subscribers gained

How to tell the same story over and over (and make people love you for it).

subscribers gained

A scientifically proven way (discovered by Hemingway) to use 6-10 words stories that’ll make grown men cry (and buy).

subscribers gained

The hidden story framework that’s so persuasive there’s a good chance you’ll 2x conversions.

subscribers gained

The one ingredient YouTubers use to tell viral stories over and over...

subscribers gained

What many people do with stories that get them blocked.

subscribers gained

Here’s the deal:

I’ve created this course by literally writing 1000s of stories. And 95% of them failed.

But I’ve used the 5% that succeeded to grow my own business and 100s of clients' businesses faster than ever before. 

 I’ve cut out all the junk and theory so you can read all this in 15-20 minutes per day and take action immediately.

This course is an email-delivered course and a drip-fed video course. Even though the course is over 45 days long… 

 You’ll get one 20-minute lesson and an action item you can use IMMEDIATELY to get results. 

 Storytelling is truly the one simple shortcut you can use to get the status you deserve online.

for this week only...

You can get this business and life-changing course for only $297.

You'll learn how to tell stories in the digital age that convert attention into cold hard cash (without worrying about competitors).

So there’s your outside take from a digital storyteller who has seen the good, the bad, and a WHOLE 'LOTTA UGLY... 


If you’re hungry to get ALL of my storytelling tricks and techniques that I’ve built my multi-6 figure online business on… you’re in luck. 

 I will send you an email-delivered course, daily dripped video course, templates, AI prompts, and a community to share your action for just $297.

That’s a drop in the bucket compared to what 'cohorts' will charge you.

Plus, if at any time you feel like you didn’t get your story skills sharpened, I will return a full refund.

This masterclass must give you the competitive edge to stand out in any marketplace.

 To get the Digital Storytelling Masterclass 1.0 delivered instantly, just click the big blue button below.

But are you unsure it’s worth a measly $297?

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s inside…

A bizarre secret (the Kardashians and Sex and the City) used to stir up drama from the same problems, giving you more credibility and, of course, more sales. (And no, you don’t have to watch the Kardashians or Sex and the City to master this secret.)

subscribers gained

The 3 big reasons that let your competition steal your customers (even the ones that love you).

subscribers gained

The TikTok storyline to get MASSIVE reach in only 45 seconds (without having to dance like an idiot or make cringe-worthy videos).

subscribers gained

The 'Jenga' storytelling trick that builds so much tension your piggy bank could explode…

subscribers gained

Why you should never hide your mistakes online (and what to do instead when you mess something up).

subscribers gained

The real reason pop gossip gets so much attention (and how to use it for yourself).

subscribers gained

How to trick scrollers who don’t know you into sharing your stories with their friends and family. (You can leverage the audiences of influencers with millions of followers without paying a dime.)

subscribers gained

Every storytelling technique I’ve learned from Hollywood scriptwriters, world-class marketers, and famous authors to grow a multi-6 figure story biz.

subscribers gained

Fill-in-the-blank templates and AI prompts for each lesson to ensure your stories don’t feel like AI wrote them.

subscribers gained

The hidden reason zebras have stripes (and how to use their genetic mutations to create a common enemy that makes your reader love you).

subscribers gained

How to use your customer's language with the 'Biceps on fleek' pop culture slang (and make yourself top of mind in your market).

subscribers gained

Why do so many stories written by content creators get ignored and trolled?

subscribers gained

And some more stuff...

The 'timeline' trick to get infinite story ideas that AI can’t compete with. 

A strangely persuasive way to use Amazonian Pink River Dolphins to snag your reader's attention, provide structures to your story, and make sales flow… 

How to shamelessly (and legally) use famous people’s stories to get you more credibility (and money). 

The magic number that hijacks human pattern recognition and immediately increases retention time, engagement, and, of course, sales. 

The hyper-effective way to edit your rough drafts with my 'Frankenstein method' that’ll make your readers think you’re the next Stephen King. 

45 story templates for every platform on the internet: sentences, blogs, articles, ads, sales pages, carousels, stories, reels, YouTube scripts. All put into one place for you to use instantly. 

A sneaky way to hypnotize your readers with stories and turn them into loyal customers. 

A genius way to write 5-sentence stories in less than 2 minutes that make your reader feel like you’re teaching them something. But in reality, you’re priming them to buy. 

The psychological hack learned from a missing winning lottery ticket that makes your story sell better on social media, email, sales pages, and ads. 

What A-list copywriter Ian Stanley told me in a $5,000 coaching call that helped write one story that gets me world-class emails based on the exact language of my readers' fears and desires.

How to write a viral meta ads story.

A strange trick I learned from washed-up celebrities to RIDE social media trends and get your offer in front of millions of people (in 24-48 hours). 

27 one-sentence marketing stories the BIG tech companies use to make billions of dollars (and cement themselves into your subconscious). 

The secret 'number' pro writers use to force people to click using the rhythm and balance technique. 

How to use unexpected twists, curveballs, and hooks to make a stranger fall in love with you (in 500 words OR LESS). 

A scientifically proven way (discovered by Hemingway) to use 6-10-word stories that’ll make grown men cry. 

The one ingredient YouTubers use to tell viral stories over and over… 

The sneaky way to get complete strangers to buy from you (even if you don’t have credibility). 

The incredible storytelling secret used by the ancient orator Diogenes and Tony Robbins to create inspiration on demand (even if people are behind screens). 

The hidden story framework that’s so persuasive there’s a good chance you’ll 2x conversions. 

What many people do with stories that get them ignored 'and blocked.' 

How to trick scrollers who don’t know you into sharing your stories with their friends and family.

The 7 magic hook formulas to make people stop scrolling and share your story with their friends.

Why is it only $297?

Because I don’t believe in ripping people off with $3,000 cohorts that don’t deliver results. 

 Everyone should be able to have their stories heard and learn to share them at an affordable price." 

 For only $297, you can learn how to get paid to write stories for other people, dominate your market even if you’re a beginner, and tell one story that completely changes your business overnight.

MY 100% money back guarantee

If you handc opy and implement every exercise in the 45 days and don’t like the results, simply send the pictures of your stories, and I will give you a full refund.

The doors close on Sunday, October 27th at 11:59 PT. 

 I will not release this course again until 2025, and the course will be more expensive.

If you try to do this on your own, you will make a lot of mistakes… 

 You’ll have people make fun of you, block you, and unfollow you… Without even knowing why.

Learn how to master the most persuasive tool known to man and change your life and business with one story by clicking the big orange button below.

bonuses when you buy today:







  • Is this a content writing course?
    This isn't another 'content writing' course that follows trends and becomes outdated in a few months?

    The Digital Storytelling Masterclass teaches you the secrets and frameworks behind stories THAT CONVERT into sales.

    Think: Emails, ads, sales pages, video sales letters, etc.

    You will learn how to tell viral stories on any social media platform and turn that attention into $$$.

    Something garbage content writing courses don’t do.
  • Is storytelling just fluff? Can't I rely on product features?
    If you rely only on the 'features' of your product for marketing, your competition will bulldoze you.

    Even worse? Anyone can create 'features' with AI.

    Studies show...

    • 92% of consumers want brands to make ads that feel like a story. (Marketerinsidergroup)
    • When data is combined with a story, information retention increases from 5-10% to 65-70%. (Go-Globe)
    • People are 22 times more likely to remember a fact when it's presented within a story. (Go-Globe)
    • 55% of consumers are more likely to remember a story than a list of facts. (The Brand Shop)
    • 68% of consumers say that brand stories influence their purchasing decisions. (The Brand Shop)
    • Companies with compelling brand stories have experienced a 20% increase in customer loyalty. (The Brand Shop)
    • Pairing a story with a product can increase its perceived value by up to 2,706%. (Leap Mesh)

    Give me 2 hours a week, and I’ll show you the time-tested frameworks behind stories that increase product value.
  • Do I need storytelling? Can't my business just focus on metrics and ROI?
    Focusing on hard metrics and ROI is the best use of your time, right? WRONG!

    Ignore storytelling, and you’ll miss out on the most persuasive device known to man.

    Hard metrics don’t create emotional connections with customers. Emotional connections are the secret to returning customers.

    Companies using storytelling in marketing experience a 30% increase in conversion rates. (Leapmesh)

    Competitive advantage: Only 20% of organizations invest in brand storytelling.
  • What if my industry is too technical/boring for storytelling to work?
    If you think your industry is too boring, then this is your perfect opportunity. Let me explain…

    Storytelling turns complex business concepts into simple, easy-to-understand solutions.

    65% of people are visual learners. (Atlassian.com)

    Using storytelling techniques can help break down complex technical concepts into engaging stories.

    Technical content paired with storytelling elements increases engagement by up to 300%. (Leapmesh.com)
  • What if I don't have any interesting stories to tell?
    Everyone thinks they need an exciting life to tell amazing stories. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

    The greatest stories come from day-to-day experiences.

    A relatable story is something your target customer can picture and feel.

    This course will teach you how to use journaling as your ultimate weapon to stand out in the age of AI.
  • Can't I just use AI to tell stories?
    If you use AI to tell your stories, then your stories (and business) will be ignored.

    People have big BS detectors. If your reader picks up the slightest scent of AI-written content, they’ll block, unfollow, and unsubscribe.

    Neil Patel’s marketing research showed human-written content performs 94.12% better than AI-written content.
  • Is a story a form of persuasion? And isn't persuasion something bad?
    Studies show the average person sees 6,000 ads per day. Companies use commercials to subliminally make purchases.

    If you think persuasion is bad, you need to learn persuasion the most. This skill protects you from mass manipulation tactics.
  • What if I don't have time to learn?
    Most courses are full of fluff and 10 hours long. I’ve bought many courses I haven’t even finished.

    Every day, you’ll get one email and one video course. They won’t take longer than 15 minutes to read or watch.

    You’ll get one story to handwrite. Simple, short, and sweet.
  • Won’t stories about my product sound too salesy?
    99% of beginners make this mistake. If you’re too aggressive, people will block and report you.

    Writing daily stories about your mistakes and lessons learned. It’s simple but not easy.

    This course shows you a hidden trick to tell emotional stories that make people laugh, cry… AND BUY.
  • Is this course only for social media?

    Storytelling looks everywhere. This course works for all social media platforms as well as email, video sales letters, ads, speeches, lives, podcast interviews, and more

So Here’s the Deal…

I will send you an email-delivered course, daily dripped video course, templates, AI prompts, and a community to share your action for just $297.

That’s a drop in the bucket compared to what $2,500 'cohorts' will charge you.

Plus, if at any time you feel like you didn’t get your story skills sharpened, I will return a full refund. 

 This masterclass must give you the competitive edge to stand out in any marketplace.

To get the Digital Storytelling Masterclass 1.0 delivered instantly, just click the big green button below.

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Add the Viral Story Swipe to your order: 

And you'll get the +100 proven viral story templates helped me gain 65,000+ followers. 

There is one thing thing that separates viral storytellers from everyone else. It's what separates the 100,000 follower accounts from the 1,000 follower accounts. It's the ability to see what stories resonate and putting your own spin on it. Literally fill these out and watch what happens. There are templates not just for X (formerly Twitter) but LinkedIn and Instagram threads. 

Buy now and you'll get the EXCLUSIVE transformation stories workshop...

  • Total payment
  • Digital Storytelling Masterclass 1.0$297

All prices in USD

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Customer support contact: parker@parkerworth.com